Fahrenheit 451

Do you hear that?

The classic novel and film, “Fahrenheit 451,” by Ray Bradbury is a novel written in 153


depicted the future as a dyst
opia, similar to George Orwells book that later turned in to a film as well, “1984.” Bradbury’s book was ironically about a time when books were banned and would be burned immediately by firefighters, ironically as well. The novel also depicted the community as consumed by mindless entertainment. For example, most homes had a television screen that spanned crossed a whole wall as to distract them from the dissatisfaction they feel in the real world. In addition, Bradbury made a point to demonstrate how people in this dystopia time frame


were addicted to technology and how it affected the mindless beings in the novel.

May I remind you that this novel was written in 1953! Adding on to the idea of flat screens in homes, which cam true, he also depicted the people attached to their “seashells.” Which were tiny devices someone would put into their ear and it was attached to thimble sized radios in order to listen to talk shows or music. Sound Familiar? Ear Buds! The giant headphones with antennas attached were invented or any type of technology similar to it. Even though we are not consumed by technology yet, we are not far from the depiction the depiction in the novel besides us not burning books. But who really reads those ancient things anymore?

Diagnosis Beds

What Have They Not Thought Of?

One of the theoretical technology was


Credit implemented in the film series ans show series of Star Trek. It is hard to keep track of all the little gadgets and gizmos in all of the franchise’s contents. It can range from phone to space travel among the unknown universes. The one being discussed in this particular post is the way the doctor aboard the craft diagnosis the patients. This photo in the left plane in  particular is from the film “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” the second motion picture on the franchise, created by Gene Roddenberry. Dr. McCoy is diagnosing one of the patients with one swoop swipe hovering across the patient’s body with a small pen appearing device and the hand held device discovers the issues.



There are devices similar to this in the medical field such as, the MRI, CAT Scan, and any other device that is used to diagnose the issue inside the body. Although, the technology today is not able to held in one’s hand, the premise of the idea remains.Another difference is the equipment we have today are able to look at exactly what is going on in the body based on what type of scanner they use. Doctors and other people in the health professional want to diagnose and treat the issue the patient has as quickly and safely as possible.


Where are they now?


So where did the origination of the idea of bringing dead rappers and other artists back to life? In Star Wars of course. For those few people who have not seen or heard of Star Wars, it is just a small independent movie franchise. I hope you sense my sarcasm. Anyway… In the first film “Star Wars Episode: IV-A New Hope,” Princess Leia sends a distressed hologram message to one of the few Jedi masters left in the universe, Obi Wan Kenobi. This type of communication through a hologram was never seen before a film and it lead to many of the new advancements in technology today. It can used a communications system for those who can not speak can sign to the hologram signal so it can translate what the person is trying to get across, and can eliminate a human translator. Also, people who do not know how to sign can easily use a hologram to signal out the conversation they want to have with the person who is deaf.


Enter a caption

This scene in the film inspired the company, Ostendo Technologies Inc. This company has developed a new chip and system that perfectly fit into almost any smart phone device. One of the points adding to the tiny projector system is introducing the hologram keyboard.What makes it better than the touch screen key board? Because it will make me look better than everyone else with their puny touch screen keyboard! The real reason  being, for those who have larger than average hands have difficulty typing with the portion given for the each letter. In addition, the older generation is steering towards the smart phone bandwagon and have difficulty with they typing as well, so it can eliminate that struggle. The phone or any smart device would be able to project video and it could possible replace projectors in the near future.


Touch Screen

hand pushing on a touch screen

Touch Screen

In the original film of Minority report, it featured  multi-media computer with a touch screen and a translucent screen run by Tom Cruise. Although who have not advanced to the system created in the film, we are pretty close. It has also lead to other advertisements like the projector keypad. Of course, every smart phone in the market has a touch screen. There are not direct connections to the creators of the improvements to the touch screen. It is definitely leading to this films technology, because there are always going to be investors and consumers wanting the next bi thing. It was be mind blowing to have a giant programming system surrounding you you and will activate with a single swipe. Even though we are used to the single hand motions, I think it would not deter many people from the two hand motions that would be necessary for such a large translucent program.

Or should it just be left to the authorities? With a search engine as complicated as the one


depicted in the film, should be attainable for the average consumer. Either way, it would be awesome to have a screen you did not have to clean.The film also gave a new meaning to Big Brother is watching you. It has the constant monitoring and arresting people before they even commit the actual crime. In addition the film deals with artificial intelligence but that  is a whole other blog post. Coming soon! If you have the time I definitely recommend this film and there is currently a show pertaining to the same plot.


Artificial Intelligence


There are numerous films based off of artificial intelligence. There are some that portray the advancement as either a benefit or an advancement. The film I enjoyed the most that came out in 2014 was Chappie. These robots were first designed for public safety and enforcement to avoid human fatalities. However, the programmer wanted  to test the bounds and attempt to decode the consciousness, but could not fully decrypt it. The fact that Chappie was not bound by rules or programming, he actually had a consciousness the audience could visualize. In addition, the character learned through experiences and was able to differentiate between right and wrong. Also, when it was okay defend oneself, being scare of life beyond death, and teaching compassion to human beings.

A similar film to this is, I Robot. It had a different perspective on robots coming into play to day to day life. Fear was a big factor in the film with Will Smith’s constant paranoia that the robots would rebel (which actually happened.) Even though they are bound by the three laws of robotics that are, a robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm (Laws). However, he comes across a similar character to Chappie, Will Smith is skeptical through out the film if the robot is programmed to break the law or has a free will. Be who actually does?

It is evident there are programs that are attempting to reach artificial intelligence. But with certain films has a plot that will hurt humanity when a robot is programmed with artificial intelligence; therefore, the population is hesitant to the advancements. However, there are already technology similar to this in our every day lives. If you are an iPhone user than you are familiar with the Siri program. The program learns from the users habits that will react and respond the way the users want.


Total Recall

I’ll be..Using this soon

Total Recall

Sergey Brin, the founder of Google, created a functional self driving car in 2012. Although the creator on record has not directly said the influence of the self driving car came from the classic science fiction film, Total Recall. It was the first film to demonstrate the possibility of a self driving vehicle.For those who are not aware of the self driving vehicle in the movie, here is a video demonstrating the awesomeness of the short story created by Phillip K. Dick and director Paul Verhoeven. If you were not traumatized by that expressionless Johnny cab driver,

Full Body Scanner



The fear of radiation beaming through your body every time you go through airport security is thanks to Total Recall. Well partially. After the attacks in 2001 the security in airports increased dramatically. Starting in 2007, full-body scanners started replacing metal detectors at airports and train stations in many countries (Safety). The film first featured this scanner replacing x-rays in the 1990’s. Although the film only has a couple seconds featuring the full body scanner is was an eye opener to possible safety features.The system has definitely deterred criminals from bringing foreign objects on places they should not. Is it going to far? Invasion of Privacy? Because seeing the skeletal system is so provocative.

Hover boards

Photo Credit: No to hover boards

Stop it!

These are not hover boards! There are no functions that involves hovering, it is a glamorized segway!! So stop pre-teens with your way too tight pants blocking the walk way with your .25 miles per hour speed. Now I will get off my soap box.

Back to the Future: Part II

Credit: Hover Board

The classic film of time travel had the famous scene of Marty Mcfly riding around on the hover board. This sparked the race to complete the futuristic invention of transportation. Although it seemed impossible for some time, with the complex components needed to create the hovering action. In November of 2014 Silicon Valley start up Arx Pax created a functional hover board.

I can not afford the upgraded version to upload a video so here is a link to Tony Hawk riding the first hover board, it is a bit noisy. (Tony Hawk Video)

This hover board works off of magnetic waves from the bottom of the hover board to a conductive surface of a copper or aluminum base. It runs off similar elements of the light rail. It is a hefty price to purchase the first generation of hover boards. Based off of the fundraising website Kick Start it is estimated to be $10,000. In addition, it can go up to the speed of 15 miles per hour, but it is definitely a better alternative than fossil fueled transportation. Hopefully in the future it can be more affordable and is practical for mass production. Also, hopefully we will not end up like the morbidly obese people from the Pixar film “Wall-e.”



Technology Advancements Based on Science Fiction Films


credit to: Digital Green Eggs and Ham

It seems like it is a necessary tool for day to day tasks, but who is actually ware of the origination of cell phones. Many might not be aware that the originator of the first phone was not surprisingly  Steve Jobs, but the person is actually Martin Cooper. His project was supported by Motorola the rival of AT&T and Bell lab in the early sixties and early seventies.

There are numerous inventions inspired by the science fiction series, Stark Trek. Coincidentally Cooper was on of the many engineers inspired by the space travelers journeys. Although the first model was not the most practical mobile device, the most often butt of the joke, the brick phone. However, the idea of a wireless communication device was far beyond the range of possibility or in the imagination of engineers before the film. In addition, the film inspired the aesthetic of a the flip phone and communication between universes with the push of a button. The improvements of the device is far more advanced than Martin Cooper could have ever anticipating based of his inspiration from the film.